Source code for SuperSonic.policy_definition.policy_define

from itertools import product
import os
import numpy as np
import sklearn.model_selection

[docs]class SuperOptimizer: """:class: SuperOptimizer includes candidate functions (or models) for representing the environment state, objective functions for computing the reward, and the set of possible actions that can be taken from a given state. The compiler developer first defines the optimization problem by creating an RL policy interface. The definition includes a list of client RL components for the meta-optimizer to search over. """ def __init__( self, StateFunctions=["Word2vec", "Doc2vec", "Bert"], RewardFunctions=["relative_measure", "tan", "func", "weight"], # A3C ARS ES need num_workers>0 RLAlgorithms=["MCTS", "PPO", "APPO", "A2C", "DQN", "QLearning", "MARWIL", "PG", "SimpleQ", "A3C", "ARS", "ES", "BC"], ActionFunctions=["init"], datapath="", ): """Construct and initialize the parameters of policy definition. :param StateFunctions: State functions, The SuperSonic RL components include pre-trained observation functions, such as Word2Vec and Doc2Vec. :param RewardFunctions: Reward functions, It provides candidate reward functions like RelativeMeasure and tanh to compute the reward based on the metric given by the measurement interface. :param RLAlgorithms: RL algorithms, SuperSonic currently supports 23 RL algorithms from RLLib, covering a wide range of established RL algorithms. :param ActionFunctions: Action functions, define a discrete set of actions or transformations that can be applied to a program, such as passes in a compiler. :param datapath: The benchmarks' save path. """ self.StateFunctions = StateFunctions self.RewardFunctions = RewardFunctions self.RLAlgorithms = RLAlgorithms self.ActionFunctions = ActionFunctions self.datapath = datapath
[docs] def PolicyDefined(self): """Each of the components can be chosen from a pool of SuperSonic built-in candidate methods, and the combination of these components can result in a large policy search space. :return policy_all: All policy strategies. :return policy_amount: A list includes index for each policy strategy. """ global policy self.policy = { "StatList": self.StateFunctions, "ActList": self.ActionFunctions, "RewList": self.RewardFunctions, "AlgList": self.RLAlgorithms, } self.policy_all = [ dict(zip(self.policy, v)) for v in product(*self.policy.values()) ] self.policy_amount = len(self.policy_all) - 1 return self.policy_all, self.policy_amount
[docs] def cross_valid(self,): """ split dataset to train/valid set, default using 3-fold cross validation """ data_list = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.datapath): if files == []: for i in dirs: i = root + "/" + i data_list.append(i) else: for i in files: i = root + "/" + i data_list.append(i) break data_list = np.array(data_list) kfolder = sklearn.model_selection.KFold( n_splits=3, shuffle=False, random_state=None ) for index, (train, test) in enumerate(kfolder.split(data_list)): TrainDataset = data_list[train] TestDataset = data_list[test] Dataset = [TrainDataset, TestDataset] return Dataset